There is Life Here

At LifeSpring Kids we desire to partner with families to foster each developmental milestone in kids while journeying with them towards Jesus.


Our Current Kids Services:


NURSERYAges 6 months to 35 months

ADVENTURE KIDS  - Ages 3 Years to Kindergarten

THRIVE KIDS - Grade 1 - 5

First Time Kids Registration

First Time Visitors please complete the following form, start with information for the primary care giver.

For Regulars

You are able to download the Church Center App and check in your kids on the way to church.The app will provide a barcode that you can scan at our check-in desk.



Stay in the Loop

Stay connected with all our LifeSpring Kids events and ministry opportunities through our newsletter. We will be sure to update you on the different events and info  for your child(ren)!

Kids Dedication

Children are a gift from God, and as you begin the journey of raising your child to know, love, and obey the Lord, you are not alone. Child dedication is the parent's affirmation before the gathered church of their intent to lead and spiritually nurture their child to know, love and serve God. As you make this commitment we choose to stand with you - to support and love your child.

Have Questions?

Email our Children's Pastor, Eulane Heukelman, if you have questions about LifeSpring Kids.
